
Benefits of Organic over conventional farming methods are;

Health Benefits

 Safer workplace and living space

As organic agricultural practices are asset on organic farms, they provide safe work and living spaces due to absence of widespread misuse of agrochemical fertilizers, herbicide and pesticides due to lack of awareness of risk, failure of read labels/instructions, failure to wear protective clothing or store chemicals safely and no misuse of chemicals causing serious health problems for farmers and their families.

 Safer produce to consumers

Organic food does not have any, let alone harmful levels of pesticide residue since no chemicals use in permitted, leading to safe, clean foods on local as well as international market

Social Benefits

 Keeping it in the community

As organic agricultural practice is essentially “sustainable” no external inputs are necessary money stays on the farms, in the farming communities, and in the country

 Ending the poverty trap

The sustainability of organic farming systems means that small farmers can work their way out of the poverty trap, without debts running up with moneylenders. There is no requirement to purchase chemicals in advance of harvests. More money stays on the farm

 Spreading the risk

Mixed cropping spreads the risk of the farmer; if one crop fails it is a setback not a disaster. Short-term cash cropping, and especially monoculture (growing of just one crop) are not compatible with organic farming practice, thus avoiding the associated negative aspects

 Better conversions

Lanka Organics have found, across the board, organic farmers get significantly higher income from the conversion to organic production. This is not merely a phenomenon caused by export of Organic Products, but also due to development of local markets for organically grown foods.

 Increased productivity

Studies have shown that over time, the productivity of farmland can in fact increase with organic methods until production is almost equal to that of conventional farmland. The equation of cost of chemicals against increased productivity is an interesting one, as very often the cost of chemical use outweighs the extra income from increased production. Organic crops may yield less, but cost of production is that much lower.

 Working together to minimize costs

Organic production very often encourages farmer-communities to work in co-operation with each other in order to cut costs of transport to market or processing factories. Where one individual small farmer is a small voice, a whole community has a louder voice, and can argue their case for governmental reform etc, as well as for better prices. In this case organic agriculture gives small farmers increased self-confidence, and self-determination.
Environmental Benefits

 Improved quality of topsoil

Sustainability of organic farming systems involves soil development and conservation as a major aspect. Use of manure, compost and vegetable matter improves the soil structure and, consequently improves soil quality rather than the reduction of soil quality often associated with conventional farming.

 Cleaner water

Non-use of chemicals in organic agriculture means no contamination of drinking water rivers, lakes and oceans from chemicals.

Agrochemicals drain through the land and enter rivers and other water into supplies, eventually leading the oceans. This means high levels of agro-chemical in drinking water, and harmful effect on wildlife especially fish, many miles away from the farming area.

 Increased biodiversity

Biodiversity increases on organic farm lands. Native flora and fauna can re-establish its population.
Biodiversity on farms where agro-chemicals are used is generally diminished. Many species of wild plants, animals, insects and birds are affected by the chemical use. This can be seen in Europe with the decline in numbers of songbirds, wild flowers in hedgerows and fields, and native animal species. The same is true all over the world.

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No.23,, Braybrooke Street, Colombo 2.
Tel :(94) 11-2300459(94) 11-2336326. Fax :(94) 11-2336325.


To become South Asia’s most trusted and reliable supplier of quality Organic and Fair Trade products by continuing the pioneering task of application of Analogue Forest /Forest Garden concepts of sustainable agriculture.


To achieve 100% growth in the production and sale of Organic / Fair Trade products by year 2020 by following means;

• Creating of new farmer clusters in all regions of the country including Northern area and expanding production capacity in company owned plantations.

• Creating 50% more employment especially among disadvantaged communities by opening up new collection centers and new processing units and installing new technologically advanced manufacturing methods thereby achieving highest value addition to primary products

• Entering new markets and expanding market share of existing markets